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This page provides access to data and images in the Herbarium collections. The online database is still under development (it also is in process of adding images for the specimens) and only selected collections will be available online in the virtual herbarium. More details about the digitisation program are available here.
The Virtual Herbarium is a text and photographic database of the specimens in the Herbarium Mediterraneum. There are currently 96,000 records that are seachable by family, genus, collector and other fields. At the moment, only selected families of these records have high resolution photographs of the specimen in a format that can be zoomed in and out in the browser. Specimen images are of sufficient quality to permit analysis of taxonomic features that can be seen with a handlens or low-power dissecting microscope.
Search tips
This page provides access to those specimen recorded and images available digitally through the Herbarium database. Searches can be initiated from this page.
Type in strings to search for in one or more of the fields, then hit the Search Button.
The "%" character may be used as a wildcard character.
Search is not case sensitive.
Terms and Conditions of Use
The contents of this site, including all images and text are protected by copyright.
The material on the web site is intended for users' personal, educational or research purposes. All other uses of material (commercial use or publication) are prohibited without prior express written authorization from the Herbarium Mediterraneum.
The Herbarium Mediterraneum holds the copyright for all the images of material from the collections displayed on this website, and always needs to be contacted for permission when images are to be reproduced.
Accuracy of content
Herbariun Mediterraneum take reasonable care to ensure that the information appearing on this site is accurate and up-to-date. However, errors and omissions do occur, and you should not take the accuracy of the information for granted, but should check directly with us using the contact details provided on this site. We therefore disclaim all liability for your use of the information on this site.
Some of the pages on the Site include links to external websites. These are for your convenience only. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of that website, and we are not liable for the content of any site to which we link.
Digital Herbarium Specimen Loans
Because digitized specimens are sometimes acceptable substitutes for physical specimens, it is possible to request high resolution specimens images have been already digitized.