Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 19 of 6 May 1991

ISSN 1120-4060 printed

ISSN 2280-3882 online

Bocconea 7


Bocconea 7 - 1997

Edited on behalf of Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board and staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial management: G. Venturella

Editorial assistance: R.Orlando

Editorial secretariat: A.M. Mannino

Design: N. Surano

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

May, 1997

ISBN 88-7915-007-3


Proceedings of the Workshops on “Conservation of the Wild relatives of European Cultivated Plants”

Edited by B. Baldés, V. H. Heywood, F. M. Raimondo, D. Zohary

Arbez & Lefèvre: The European forest genetic resource programme

Arista & al.: Abies pinsapo Boiss.: a protected species

Cagelli & Lefèvre: The conservation of Populus nigra L. in Europe

Chauvet: Towaeds a global approach to the conservation of plants

Cubero: Conservation through plant breeding and in situ conservation

Dalmas & al.: Elaboration de plans de gestion et stratégies de conservation

Den Nijs & Oostermeijer: Reproductive biology and gene flow in a fragmented landscape

Fici & Gianguzzi: Diversity and conservation in Capparis

Gomez-Campo: Conservation of wild vs. crop species

Gustafsson & Lannér-Herrea: Overview of the Brassica oleracea complex

Gustafsson & Lannér-Herrera: Diversity in natural population of Brassica oleracea

Hammer: The management of germplasm at Gatersleben

Hanelt: Gene flow between crops and related taxa – some case studies

Hanelt: European wild relatives of Prunus fruit crops

Hattemer: Concepts and requirements in the conservation of forest genetic resources

Heywood: Introduction

Heywood: Conclusions

Hodgkin: Managing the populations

Hodgkin & Guarino: Ecogeographical surveys: a review

Humphreys: The use of extended gene pools to improve the environmental adaptability of temperate forage grasses

Kleijer: Conservation of genetic resources: the case of Switzerland

Landolt: Managing populations of Dactylis glomerata

Lumaret: Polyploidy and the critical size of natural populations of Dactylis glomerata

Lumaret & al.: Cultivated olive and oleaster. Evidence from enzyme polymorphism

Mazzola & al.: The occurrence of wild relatives of cultivated plants in Italian protected areas

Mc Neilly: Patterns of population differentiation

Mc Neilly: Environmental stress and survival strategies: an overview

Muller-Starck: Survey of genetic variation in European tree populations

Muller-Starck: Protection of genetic variability in forest tree populations: an overview

Olivier: Conservation in situ et ex situ: le role des Conservatoires Botaniques Nationaux en France

Paule: Gene Conservation in European beech

Pérez de la Vega: Problems of demography in the conservation of wild relatives of cultivated plants

Pérez de la Vega & Garcia: Genetic structure of self-pollinating species: the case of wild Avena

Pham & al.:Some lessons drawn from twelve years of dynamic management of winter wheat populations in France

Puglisi: Gene conservation in pine species

Raimondo: Les membres italiens du complexe de Brassica oleracea: leur distribution et spécificités écologiques

Safriel: The role of the protected area manager

Safriel & al.: Management of nature reserves for conservation of wild relatives

Smith & Linington: The management of the Kew Seed Bank for the conservation of arid land and U.K. wild species

Soler & al.: The assessment of variability in Spanish populations of wild relatives of cereals

Tigerstedt: Marginal plant populations

Van Soest & Boukema: Genetic resources conservation of wild relatives with a users’ perspective

Vendramin & al.: Abies nebrodensis, a relic and highly endangered species

Venturella & al.: Strategies for the conservation and restoration of Abies nebrodensis

Warembourg: The “rhizosphere effect”: a plant strategy for plants

Ziegenhagen & al.: Protection of genetic variability in polluted stands of Abies alba

Zohary: Genetic systems: an overview

Zohary: Wild apples and wild pears

Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo