Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 27 of 12 July 1991

ISSN 1120-4052 (Print)

ISSN 2240-4538 (Online)


Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo

Flora Mediterranea 14


Aleffi, M., Sabovljevic, M. & Tacchi, R.: Bryoflora of the Monte Conero Regional Park (Marche, C-Italy

Bocchieri, E. & Iiriti, G.: Flora of Capo Malfatano (S-Sardinia, Italy)

Campisi, P. & Provenzano, F.: New record in Sicily of Gigaspermum mouretii (Gigaspermaceae, Musci), rare species in Europe

Cogoni, A., Fiore, F. & Scrugli, A.: The bryological flora of Isola dei Cavoli (SE Sardinia. Italy)

Desfayes, M.: The specific status of Cyperus badius and the subspecies of Scirpoides holoschoenus (Cyperaceae), with special referente to Sardinia

El Alaoui-Faris, F. E. & Cauwet-Marc, A.-M.: Etude du pollen de quatre espèces de férules (Ferula, Apiaceae) marocaines

El Naggar, S. M.: The seed coat and pollen morphology of Gvpsophila pilosa (Caryophyllaceae

Gabrielian, E. & Zohary, D.: Wild relatives of food crops native to Armenia and Nakhicheva

Grillo, M. & Caniglia, G. M.: A check-list of Iblean lichens (Sicily)

Heluta, V. P., Wasser, S. P. & Voityuk, S. O.: Sphaerotheca parietariae (Ervsiphales, Ascomycota), a new powdery mildew fungus in Europe

Ivanova, D.: Drvopteris affinis subsp. borreri (Pteridophyta: Dryopteridaceae) in the Bulgarian flora

Kamari, G., Blanché. C. & Garbari, E. (eds): Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 14

Lo Giudice, R. & Cristaudo, A.: Chorological and ecological survey on the vascular and bryophytic flora in Enna territory (EreiMountains, C- Sicily)

Lo Manto, G. & Provenzano, F.: First record of Syntrichia papillosissima (Pottiaceae, Musci) in Sicily

Loi. M. C.. Marras. G. & Maxia. A.: The flora of Monte Perda 'e Liana. (CE-Sardinia)

Orcan, N., Binzet, R. & Yaylalioglu, E.: The flora of Findikpinari (Mersin-Turkey) Plataeu

Puntillo, D. & Puntillo, M.: Flora of Mavigliano Wood (Cosenza, Calabria). I. The Lichens

Raimondo, F. M. & Spadaro V.: First record of Carex vesicaria (Cyperaceae) in Sicily

Tarimcilar, G. & Kaynak. G.: Chromosome counts in some Anatolian species of Mentha (Labiatae)

Tsiotsiou, V. & Christodoulakis. D.: Contribution to the urban ecology of Greece: The flora of Mesolongi city

Venturella, G., Saitta, A., Morara, M. & Zambonelli. A.: Pyrenogaster pityophilus (Geastraceae). a new record from Sicily (S-Italy)

Venturella. G., Saitta. A., Sarasini, M., Montecchi, A. & Gori, L.: Contribution to the knowledge of hypogeous fungi from Sicily (S-Italy)

Voityuk. S. O., Heluta, V. P. & Nevo, E.: Neoerysiphe cumminsicrna (Erysiphales, Eumycota), a new powdery mildew fungus in Israel


Edited on behalf of the International Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo

by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board

F. Garbari (Pisa), W. Greuter (Berlin), S. L. Jury (Reading), P. Mazzola (Palermo), S. Pignatti (Roma), F.M. Raimondo (Palermo), B. Valdés (Sevilla).

Referees committee

P. V. Arrigoni (Firenze), H. Bischler (Paris), H. M. Burdet (Genève), C. D. K. Cook (Zurich), C. Cortini-Pedrotti (Camerino), R. Courtecuisse (Lille), V. Demoulin (Liège), R. Dull (Duisburg), F. Ehrendorfer (Wien), M. Erben (München), G. Giaccone (Catania), C. Gòmez-Campo (Madrid), C. C. Heyn (Jerusalem), V. H. Heywood (Reading), P. Kupfer (Neuchâtel), J. Mathez (Montpellier), H. Meusel (Halle), G. Moggi (Firenze), E. Nardi (Firenze), P. L. Nimis (Trieste), D. Phitos (Patras), J. Poelt (Graz), L. Poldini (Trieste), S. Snogerup (Lund), A. Strid (Copenhagen), T. Wraber (Ljubljana), B. Zimmer (Berlin)

Editorial staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial management: L. Naselli Flores

Editorial assistance: C. Mineo & T. Raimondo Sapienza

Editorial secretariat: G. Aquila

Editing: G. Bazan

Design: G. Bazan & P. Sapienza

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

August, 2004