Registration at Tribunale di Palermo

no. 27 of 12 July 1991

ISSN 1120-4052 (Print)

ISSN 2240-4538 (Online)


Copyright © by Fondazione Internazionale pro Herbario Mediterraneo

Flora Mediterranea 11


S. Brullo, G. Giusso del Galdo & E. Lanfranco: A new species of Zannichellia L. (Zannichelliaceae) from Malta

C. Cebolla & M. A. Rivas Ponce: Festuca michaelis (Poaceae), une nouvelle espèce pour la Péninsule Ibérique

G. Cesca & L. Peruzzi: Isoetes (Lycophytina, Isoetaceae) with terrestrial habitat in Calabria (Italy). New karyological and taxonomical data

C. Cortini Pedrotti: New Check-list of the Mosses of Italy

S. Dragićević, M. Veljić, P. D. Marin & B. Petković: New moss taxa for the Flora of Montenegro

L. Gueli, M. G. Dia, & R. Lo Giudice: New or interesting records for the Sicilian Moss flora

G. Kamari, C. Blanché & F. Garbari (eds):Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 11

M. C. Loi & A. Lai: The flora of Mount Tonneri and Mount Arquerì: Mesozoic calcareous outcrops of Central-Eastern Sardinia

G. Maroulis & R. Artelari: Additions to the flora of Mount Erimanthos (NW Peloponnisos, Greece)

A. Nezaket & A. Zeki: Flora of Ceylanpinar State Farm (Sðanliurfa-Turkey)

F. Puche & C. Gimeno:The Red Data List of Bryophytes of Valencia County (East Spain)

S. Ravera: Contribution to Mediterranean lichen flora. New or interesting epiphytic species from Morocco

G. Staccioli, A. Sturaro, G. Parvoli & M. Bambagiotti Alberti: Chemical characterisation of lignites from Montebamboli and Ribolla (South Tuscany, Italy) and botanical suggestions of their plant source material

R. E. Turrisi:Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb. (Convolvulaceae), nouvelle entité pour la flore sicilienne

M. Zotti & F. Orsino:The check-list of Ligurian macrofungi


Edited on behalf of the International Foundation pro Herbario Mediterraneo

by Francesco M. Raimondo & Werner Greuter

Editorial board

F. Garbari (Pisa), W. Greuter (Berlin), S. L. Jury (Reading), P. Mazzola (Palermo), S. Pignatti (Roma), F.M. Raimondo (Palermo), B. Valdés (Sevilla).

Referees committee

P. V. Arrigoni (Firenze), H. Bischler (Paris), H. M. Burdet (Genève), C. D. K. Cook (Zurich), C. Cortini-Pedrotti (Camerino), R. Courtecuisse (Lille), V. Demoulin (Liège), R. Dull (Duisburg), F. Ehrendorfer (Wien), M. Erben (München), G. Giaccone (Catania), C. Gòmez-Campo (Madrid), C. C. Heyn (Jerusalem), V. H. Heywood (Reading), P. Kupfer (Neuchâtel), J. Mathez (Montpellier), H. Meusel (Halle), G. Moggi (Firenze), E. Nardi (Firenze), P. L. Nimis (Trieste), D. Phitos (Patras), J. Poelt (Graz), L. Poldini (Trieste), S. Snogerup (Lund), A. Strid (Copenhagen), T. Wraber (Ljubljana), B. Zimmer (Berlin)

Editorial staff

Editor: F. M. Raimondo

Associate editor: W. Greuter

Editorial management: L. Naselli Flores

Editorial assistance: C. Mineo

Editorial secretariat: L. Robba

Design: G. Bazan & N. Surano

Printed by Luxograph, Piazza Bartolomeo da Messina 2/e - Palermo

Septmber, 2001